Elect Mike Boeck…

Dear Editor,

We are fortunate to have Mike Boeck running for state representative in District 1A. He is a common sense man of integrity who gets things done.

As a fourth-generation North Idahoan, Mike has worked 40 years in the natural resource industry as both a mill manager and timberland manager. He knows how to create solutions that benefit the region with both jobs and improved roads and bridges. He worked with transportation officials on key projects, including rebuilding a section of Highway 2 and replacing the bridge at Priest River.

Among numerous other civic activities, Mike was influential in efforts to bring sewer and water to the east side of the Pend Oreille River.

Mike knows first-hand how crucial quality public education is for Idaho’s future. His wife, Dee, worked at Sandpoint Middle School for 10 years, teaching seventh grade and in administration. She has also worked at a private school for at-risk students. Mike served on the committee that established the West Bonner School District and will advocate for job-ready skills training in the schools.

Most importantly, Mike knows how to listen and is interested in the concerns of all citizens. North Idaho deserves a strong and respected leader. Mike offers a positive change from Heather Scott. Vote for Mike Boeck on the Republican ballot in the May 15, 2018 primary election.

For more information go to mikeboeckforidaho.com

Theresia S. Hood

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