Paint the town red, yellow, blue…

POAC’s annual ArtWalk beings June 14

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

Sandpoint businesses will be bursting with color and creativity starting Friday, June 14, as the Pend Oreille Arts Council’s annual ArtWalk kicks off with local work displayed throughout town. The celebrations begin with an opening reception at the POAC gallery (313 N. Second Ave.) from 5-8 p.m., and the myriad local works will be on display through Aug. 30.

“I always think of ArtWalk as a town-wide reunion. We all emerge from our winter caves to celebrate local artists and enjoy our downtown businesses. I love hearing the words ‘Happy ArtWalk’ exchanged between smiles and hugs,” POAC Arts Coordinator Claire Christy told the Reader.

The POAC Gallery itself will feature 15 artists and rotating themed exhibits at various times throughout the summer, including “Miniature Masterpieces” beginning July 5 and the Artists’ Studio Tour preview show on Aug. 2.

“The [first] display is a vibrant mix of work from photography by Marni Quist, a playful pastel by Matt Lome, to abstract expressionism paintings by Nives Massey, Teresa Rancourt and Audrey Milch. This diverse collection offers something captivating for every viewer,” said Christy.

Maps and passports will be available for free at all participating businesses across Sandpoint. Visit 10 exhibits, earn 10 stamps and drop your passport off at the POAC gallery by Sept. 2 for a chance to win a season pass to the POAC Performing Art Series.

Visit for more information and for this season’s lineup, which will be announced Friday, June 14.

“I want to thank all of our participating artists and businesses for their contributions to this event. It truly takes a village to make ArtWalk happen. I’m grateful for all the support and enthusiasm,” said Christy.

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