Epicurean nibbles

By Reader Staff

Anyone who has dined out in Sandpoint knows we are lucky to have so many talented local chefs for such a small town. Hosted by the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce, the Sandpoint Summer Sampler brings the finest restaurants and caterers together to present tasty bites of their gourmet cuisine in a casual, al fresco setting in downtown Sandpoint.

The Summer Sampler takes place Thursday, June 27 from 5-8 p.m. at Farmin Park on the corner of Oak Street and Fourth Avenue in Sandpoint. Those in attendance will nibble their way through the best foodie delights the area has to offer.

This event has always drawn a big crowd, as many locals look forward to sampling the creations from our local chefs. This year will feature 10 participating booths, including Barrel 33, Connie’s Cafe, The Crow’s Bench, The District, Ivano’s, MickDuff’s Brewing Co., Pend d’Oreille Winery, Smokesmith BBQ, Sweet Lou’s and Trinity at City Beach. 

In addition to fine food, there will be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks provided by each vendor, giveaways and family friendly fun. Cole & the Thornes will play live music during the event, presented by Mattox Farm Productions and sponsored by Ting. IDs will be checked at the gates and wristbands will be given to anyone wishing to drink adult beverages.

For more info: sandpointchamber.org.

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