Winter hiking in the Scotchmans

By Reader Staff

Hiking season doesn’t have to end once the snow starts falling. Despite the low snow down low, the local mountain snowpack is looking strong. The winter hike series from the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness is also underway, offering free guided hikes on trails in the Scotchmans.

“Winter hiking and snowshoeing are perfect ways to see another side of our wild backyard,” FSPW stated in a news release. “These options are more affordable and accessible than a day at the ski resort. Plus, you can avoid the crowds.” 

A group of winter hikers trek up to Star Peak in the snow. Photo by Rebecca Sanchez.

“It definitely feels different than hiking because of the elements, but it’s also exciting to get out there in the peace and quiet,” said Rebecca Sanchez, a FSPW supporter who got into snowshoeing as an opportunity to extend the hiking season.

FSPW are offering a number of family-friendly hikes this winter, including a Hiking with Kids presentation, followed by a short trek up Munson Creek, near Thompson Falls, Mont., on Saturday, Jan. 25. For those looking for more of a challenge, mark your calendars and sign-up for a snowshoe expedition to the top of Star Peak on Sunday, March 16. Meanwhile, join FSPW for a hike through the Ross Creek Cedars on Saturday, Feb. 22 or Saturday, March 22. 

All hikes are led by knowledgeable and experienced volunteers who have a passion for helping people discover their wild backyard.

“I lead hikes for FSPW as my way to help others get out into this amazing wilderness for the first time or the 100th time,” stated Libby, Mont. resident Jamilee Scheiwe, who is a longtime volunteer for the winter hike program. “Getting to see a fellow hiker experience a new area, new trail or just a new season is the most rewarding thing,” 

Sign up for a hike at and check for updates as new hikes are added.

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