USFS launches work on Pack River Road

By Reader Staff

The U.S. Forest Service began repair work Oct. 18 on Pack River Road 231. The road is in the Upper Pack River area east of Sandpoint. 

While most delays are expected to be short, USFS officials stated in a media release, some delays could last up to four hours.

The repairs will take place approximately two miles above the Pack River Snowmobile Parking Area. The work will restore travel-way width and improve the road surface and drainage. The steep drop-off along the shoulder resulted when heavy rainfall led to failure of the fill slope. Work is expected to continue through Monday, Nov. 1.

“The Forest Service appreciates the public’s patience as we work to improve this public driving route,” officials stated.

Visitors to the Idaho Panhandle National Forests are encouraged to pick up a free Motor Vehicle Use Map at any Ranger Station. It is also available for download onto a smart device through the Avenza Maps app.

For additional information about this project, contact the Sandpoint Ranger Station at 208-263-5111 or visit

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