The Sandpoint Eater: Sampling Sandpoint

By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist

Remember plucking petals off the daisy and reciting, “He loves me; he loves me not”? This month, plucking petals, I find myself saying, “Summer’s here; no it’s not.”  Fingers crossed, though — I think it’s safe to say we’re getting close! 

I’ve already been sampling lots of my traditional summer pastimes, like harvesting plump, luscious strawberries at my favorite u-pick spot. It was the loveliest field of berries, ripe and red, bursting with flavor, and our timing was perfect for picking. It’s not a huge farm, but there are rows and rows of thoughtfully tended organic plants, and I’m always amazed that birds or beasts haven’t ravaged the straw-lined rows of plentiful fruit. I don’t know farmer Amanda’s secret, but it is one fine field. 

The best part is paying by the honor system: weigh the berries and Venmo or place your money or check into a slot on the top of the cash box affixed to the fence. It warms my heart every time I (over) pay, just because. There’s something so good about trusting and being trusted, right? 

Last Saturday, I ate lunch at the Oak Street Food Court, another spot I love to support. I usually head straight to the back, to Ohn’s Thai Plate. I never need to order because, for years, I’ve eaten the same menu item every time I go. Ohn and I exchange big smiles and greetings and she deftly preps my order. If you have yet to try her shrimp spring rolls, get there soon. She is in her third location in the food court, and has found the perfect spot to suit her business. I hope she’s there forever. You’ll find her serving delicious food from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Tuesday- Friday, and 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Saturdays.  

Like lots of you, I am delighted that Justin Dick has managed to squeeze in one last season at City Beach. My creature habit (and appetite) leans into his grilled Caesar salad. I ate there last week; and, as always, the kitchen grilled my salad to perfection and tossed it in the best Caesar dressing north of the border. Occasionally, I double down with the crawfish chowder, but I never skip the salad I first tasted at the original Trinity (so many!) years ago. I hope that Averill Hospitality sees the merit in Trinity at City Beach remaining on the site to serve us for many summers to come.

Some days, when our busy schedules allow, I’m lucky for an early morning meet-up at Connie’s. In the same booth, with the same two friends, I have eaten the same Denver omelet for eons. Though this meal has seen me through several ownership changes at Connie’s, they still get this omelet right nearly every time I order it. 

Once I get to town, I usually park my car off the traffic-heavy streets and walk between shops and food stops. On an average errand day, my usual route nets me about two miles on my fitness app. 

Speaking of summer sampling in Sandpoint, let’s remember the Summer Sampler in Farmin Park on Thursday, June 27: Plenty of our favorite vendors, including previously mentioned Trinity and Connie’s, will be there. Another favorite, Sweet Lou’s (hailing from my neck of the woods in Ponderay), is my go-to for crispy chicken wings. I’m not sure what they’ll serve at the Sampler, but I know it will be delicious. 

The fun begins at 5 p.m. and ends at 8 p.m. Tickets will be on sale for $1 each. Most food and beverage items will cost three to nine tickets. Most vendors sell out early, so don’t dally! 

The complete lineup will offer myriad choices of tasty food and refreshing libations: 

Barrel 33, Connies, Crow’s Bench (Schweitzer), The District, Ivano’s, MickDuff’s, Pend d’Oreille Winery, Smokesmith BBQ, Sweet Lou’s and Trinity.

Coming on the tails of the Sampler is the annual Lions’ Fourth of July Parade, followed by the 10th Annual Beer Fest on Saturday, July 6.

Who has time to cook? Luckily, this tasty salad recipe, full of local summer berries and crisp cucumbers, is popping with flavor and can be assembled in minutes, leaving you lots of time to sample all that our sweet community has to offer!

Strawberry and cucumber salad

Strawberry cucumber salad combines fresh strawberries and cucumbers with feta cheese and fresh mint.  Add the strawberries last and toss with a light hand!


• 1 ½ pounds strawberries, washed, hulled and halved or quartered, depending on size 

• 2 cucumbers, partially peeled,  cut in half lengthwise and sliced 

• 1 small red onion, finely chopped

• 8 ounces brine-packed feta  cheese, cubed 

• ½ cup fresh mint, coarsely chopped

• ⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil 

• 2 tbs sherry wine vinegar

• 2 tbs lemon juice 

• ¼ teaspoon cracked black pepper


In a large bowl, combine cucumbers, red onion, feta cheese and fresh mint. Pour olive oil into a small bowl and slowly whisk in vinegar lemon juice until emulsified. Pour the mixture over the ingredients in the bowl and toss gently. Once all the ingredients are coated with dressing, add the berries and pepper and toss again, gently. Serve immediately.

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