‘The lessons that wilderness can teach us’
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Phil Hough can pinpoint exactly when he fell in love with the wilderness.
He remembers paddling down the Allagash River in a canoe in the …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Phil Hough can pinpoint exactly when he fell in love with the wilderness.
He remembers paddling down the Allagash River in a canoe in the …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
This has been a tough year. I am sure I am not alone. Faced with shoulder surgery and some personal challenges, I had trouble sleeping. …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
On Sept. 3, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Wilderness Act, preserving 54 areas as wilderness, totaling 9.1 million acres in 13 states. More …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
In the 1960s and 1970s, political and cultural movements rose up to challenge and change society. These mass movements gave rise to iconic protests and …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
We gather around friends and families during the holiday season — frequently counting our many blessings. While we’re at it, let’s include wild places among …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
Dear Mother Earth,
What a year it has been. Last April as the COVID-19 pandemic ramped up, many of us went home in isolation from …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
I am thankful to have wild places to wander in and find the time. The natural time. In wilderness, time flows from very natural and …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
A virus outbreak in the rural parts of Great Britain brings the agricultural, travel and tourism industries to their knees. After restrictions by governments from …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
A new, or novel, virus has paused our normal activities with other people. Group events and gatherings are on hold for now. Stay-at-home work feels …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
Nothing is more wild than our imagination. Blank spots on the map are places to explore; we enter them not knowing what we will find. …
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