Medicaid expansion saves lives, boosts economies in rural Idaho
By Kelly McGrath
Reader Contributor
As a family medicine physician in rural Idaho, I have had the privilege of caring for Idaho families for more than three decades. I have …
By Kelly McGrath
Reader Contributor
As a family medicine physician in rural Idaho, I have had the privilege of caring for Idaho families for more than three decades. I have …
By Hillarie Hagen
Reader Contributor
Idaho Medicaid helps our kids grow into healthy adults. It also helps adults stay healthy so they can take care of their families. Idahoans know …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
A bill tacking on additional restrictions and requirements to the Medicaid expansion approved by Idahoans last November is stalled in committee.
The Idaho Press reports …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
Some of Idaho’s most vulnerable residents are only a year away from access to health coverage.
Acting Gov. Brad Little signed a proclamation Tuesday certifying …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
Dr. Kenneth Krell didn’t mince words Tuesday when testifying before the Idaho Legislature on its resistance to Medicaid expansion. He laid the blame for 1,000 …
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