Emily Articulated: Winter people
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
I remember the feeling of being zipped into my snowsuit, a bright yellow overstuffed sausage with barely contained cheeks spilling over a fleece neck warmer. …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
I remember the feeling of being zipped into my snowsuit, a bright yellow overstuffed sausage with barely contained cheeks spilling over a fleece neck warmer. …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Staff
The European Alps are among the world’s most recognizable mountain ranges. This range stretches across eight countries and possesses evidence of at least 8,000 years …
By Alex Baumhardt
Oregon Capital Chronicle
Federal regulators are allowing construction to begin on expanding a controversial gas pipeline running through North Idaho, Washington, Oregon and northern California.
The Federal …
By Art Pilch
Reader Contributor
Scientists have been warning us that our climate is changing rapidly, and that humans are responsible. Most people can see that climate has been changing, …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Last April made the 12th consecutive month of record-breaking monthly temperatures around the globe. This makes it the longest hot streak in the 137-year record, …
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