Tagged: Fourth of July

A different take on the Fourth of July

By Jan Sarchio
Reader Contributor

I can’t be certain about the numbers. It is my gut, more than my calculator, that knows that the trees sing less, that the skies …

Fireworks ban still in place for NF

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

The Sandpoint Ranger District would like to emphasize that all fireworks are prohibited in the Idaho Panhandle National Forest year-round.

“There are campfires allowed” said …

Fire restrictions set for Bonner County

If you plan to visit local public lands during Independence Day Weekend, the Idaho Panhandle National Forests and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) suggest you “Know Before You Go.” Prior …

Single in Sandpoint

By Scarlette Quille

Reader Columnist


This weekend’s forecast: Approximately seven degrees cooler than hell, but with worse traffic. Plan accordingly.

Get out on the water as soon as you …

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