Soft road beds cause closures
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Spring breakup season is upon us. The following roads have been temporarily closed by the Sandpoint Ranger District due to soft road beds: Grouse Creek …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Spring breakup season is upon us. The following roads have been temporarily closed by the Sandpoint Ranger District due to soft road beds: Grouse Creek …
By Kevin Davis, USFS
Reader Contributor
Picture a healthy river or stream with cold, clear water running over boulders and cobbles through a shady corridor of tall evergreen trees with …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Though the 2015 fire season is hardly over, the cool weather and precipitation of late has given us reason to breathe a little easier. The …
Story by Cameron Rasmusson
Photos by Ben Olson
Reader Staff
There’s nothing like a crisis to show the true nature of a community, and the Cape Horn Fire is no …
If you plan to visit local public lands during Independence Day Weekend, the Idaho Panhandle National Forests and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) suggest you “Know Before You Go.” Prior …
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