Emily Articulated: Sandpoint Pride
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
The first thing I noticed was the security wall which, in all honesty, was a relief. Because, in North Idaho, at an event like Pride, …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
The first thing I noticed was the security wall which, in all honesty, was a relief. Because, in North Idaho, at an event like Pride, …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Recently, one of the young people in my life shared that they had been experiencing significant bullying in school. It broke my heart to hear …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
If you want a master class is hypocrisy and cynicism — and ever need a handy example for what irony truly is — look at …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
As far back as the 18th century, the melting pot metaphor was used to describe the fusion of various cultures, nationalities, religions and ethnic groups …
By Rep. Mat Erpelding
Special to the Reader
Have you ever heard an argument so riddled with bias and error that you don’t even know where to start with your …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
You know what I love? Friggin’ fruit salad.
Fruit salad is quite possibly one of the healthiest, most flavorful and inherently versatile things we can …
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