The art of the deal(ing) with it all
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
The first time Donald Trump assumed the presidency of the United States, I quit my job as editor of Boise Weekly, we sold our …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
The first time Donald Trump assumed the presidency of the United States, I quit my job as editor of Boise Weekly, we sold our …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
I’d been having a relatively easy week; Christmas was packed up and tucked away, ideas for this column were half-baked and my recipe for chili …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Staff
The holidays often prompt a lot of reflection, turning me inward as much as pulling me outward. Maybe it’s the ritual of stringing lights and …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
I can’t remember the last time I hosted Christmas, but it was likely 12 or 13 years ago. Once the grandbabies were old enough to …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Staff
Though Reader Editor Zach Hagadone has expressed an aversion to the phraseit’s that time of the year again, that’s what it is — …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Columnist
Sorry, 7B. This one is a birthday present to myself. Cue the sad, lonely, lip-dampened noisemaker celebrating the slow march to the grave.
As a …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Pizza might just be the perfect food: it’s delicious at any time of day or night, tastes great hot or cold, and is just as …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
It’s a wrap, folks. The 16th annual Heart Ball proved as successful as its predecessors. The following night, I watched the Grammys and thought that …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Columnist
There is an irreparable rift in our country. On either side of the aisle, voices are raised, fingers are pointed, insults are thrown. It’s doughnut! …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
In a feeble attempt at downsizing, I devoted much time this week to more cookbook purging. The last time I downsized my cookbook collection, I …
The Sandpoint Reader is our town's local, independent weekly newspaper. "Independent" means that the Reader is locally owned, in a partnership between Publisher Ben Olson and Keokee Co. Publishing, the media company owned by Chris Bessler that also publishes Sandpoint Magazine and Sandpoint Online. Sandpoint Reader LLC is a completely independent business unit; no big newspaper group or corporate conglomerate or billionaire owner dictates our editorial policy. And we want the news, opinion and lifestyle stories we report to be freely available to all interested readers - so unlike many other newspapers and media websites, we have NO PAYWALL on our website. The Reader relies wholly on the support of our valued advertisers, as well as readers who voluntarily contribute. Want to ensure that local, independent journalism survives in our town? You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.