State park reservations to pause Aug. 1-Jan. 6 amid rollout of new reservation system

By Reader Staff

The Idaho Parks and Recreation Department will suspend reservations at Idaho state parks beginning Thursday, Aug. 1, as it transitions to a new reservation system.

During the reservation pause, customers will be still able to book stays for the remainder of 2024. Reservations will reopen at 8 a.m., (Mountain Time), on Jan. 6, 2025, when the new system is launched. The process will require transferring park facility and customer information from the current network to a new system provided by Brandt Information Services, which won a competitive bid to serve IDPR.

According to the department, bookings that have already been made for 2025 will be switched to the new system.

“We apologize for the inconvenience, but the pause will allow us to make a smooth transition to the new reservation system, which is intended to provide a more user-friendly experience,” IDPR Reservation and Registration Program Manager Seth Hobbs stated in a news release.

“Customers will find easier navigation, better tools and new functionality.”

Users will also find an easier booking experience — requiring fewer clicks — more information about parks and events, as well as more pictures of cabins, campsites, yurts and other features and facilities.

For more info, go to

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