Spacepoint hosts rocket tech innovator Stoke Space for special Sandpoint event

By Reader Staff

Spacepoint is bringing another special event to Sandpoint, highlighting opportunities in the space industry and connecting locals with some of the leaders in the field.

The nonprofit, with a mission of promoting and expanding Sandpoint’s connections with space, is hosting one of the industry’s leading innovators Stoke Space with a meet and greet at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14 at the Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center (10881 N. Boyer Road).

Photo courtesy of Spacepoint.

Based in Kent, Wash., and founded by alums of the Blue Origin aerospace company, Stoke Space is working to develop a fully reusable, medium-lift rocket that it intends to “unlock affordable access to, through, and from space — fueling the expansion of Earth’s economy in space with a 20-times reduced cost to orbit.”

Stoke Space design engineer Matt Dethlefsen will be on hand to talk with attendees during the 5 p.m. reception, which will feature complimentary hors d’oeuvres from Ivano’s and solo piano from Sarah Russell.

Dethlefsen will offer a presentation on Stoke Space and its vision at 6 p.m., followed by a raffle at 7 p.m. and a challenge in which participants will have a chance to win Space Camp tickets. The Area 7B Observatory — the largest observatory in North Idaho — will open at 8 p.m. for stargazing.

Photo courtesy of Spacepoint.

Tickets to the reception, Stoke talk, raffle and Space Camp challenge, and stargazing are $55 for a family of four or more and $5 for attendees under 18. All-inclusive tickets for adults are $30.

Families of four or more can get tickets to attend just the Stoke presentation for $30, $15 for adults and $5 for those under 18.

Get tickets at For more info on Stoke Space, visit

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