Songs on Skis songwriting night debuts at the St. Bernard on Schweitzer

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

High atop Schweitzer Mountain there lies a bar that is perhaps the most local establishment within miles; The St. Bernard. The weekend skiers from Washington and beyond rarely walk through the St. Bernard’s front door, as this locals’ favorite skirts delightfully under the tourist radar. What better place to host the debut of Songs on Skis, a weekend of local songwriters showcasing their creativity on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 9-10.

The two-night performance is an effort led by hit country songwriters Thom Shepherd and Coley McCabe, who spend their time between Nashville and Sandpoint. Shepherd and McCabe have hosted other songwriting events in the past, but this one is special because it combines two activities they cherish: songwriting and skiing.

“I met the owners of the St. Bernard, Scott Lea, because we rented an RV to them,” Shepherd told the Reader. “When he came back from the trip he said, ‘We have a bar, you should play there sometime.’”

Shepherd and McCabe began playing at the St. Bernard during the pandemic and found they enjoyed the quiet spot on Schweitzer, so it was a no-brainer to host the inaugural Songs on Skis at the Bernard.

McCabe and Shepherd will host Friday and Saturday night, sharing some of their hit songs that have made it onto several country music charts over their time in Nashville. Friday, they’ll invite two guests to play sets, including Sam McCue and Ben Vogel starting at 7 p.m.

Based in Post Falls, McCue and hailing from Montana, McCue has been performing Western music in the Inland Northwest for more than 15 years.

“I told Sam he writes like he’s been to Nashville,” Shepherd said. “He didn’t have any interest in going there though. He told me, ‘I like living up here and making my music up here.’” 

McCue’s music can be accessed at

Joining McCue is Spokane’s Ben Vogel, a troubadour whose music is a finely curated blend of rock, blues, jazz and soul, with a dash of pop. 

“Ben Vogel is great,” Shepherd said. “He reminds me a lot of Ben Folds. I’m a country guy, but I love Ben Folds.”

Vogel splits his time playing solo, as well as with his rock band Zoramena. Listen to his music at

Saturday night, Shepherd and McCabe will invite two other local musicians to join them on stage — Sam Leyde and Devon Wade, who will start their set at 7 p.m.

“Sam Leyde is super talented,” Shepherd said. “He’s sticking around here, but I think if he branched out to Nashville or wherever, he’d really make a splash.”

Whether playing solo or with his Sam Leyde Band, Leyde is a powerhouse whose original songs have a familiar, comfortable sound rooted in rock, rhythm and blues, gospel and country.

Finally, Devon Wade is a Sandpoint-based country artist who has gained a following for his high energy performances at local venues.

“Most people know him as a cover band guy, but I’ve heard his originals and they’re good,” Shepherd said.

Each night will feature the respective songwriters sharing their songs and explaining to those in attendance what inspired them. 

“I love the intimate songwriter thing,” Shepherd said. “It’s great playing to a big hall of people, but I love where you make a connection, look someone in the eye and feel what they’re feeling. That’s the best”

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