Sandpoint’s favorite vaudevillian visitors

The musical experience MarchFourth returns to the Panida

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

It’s been nine long, long years since vaudevillian musical group MarchFourth last graced the Panida Theater’s stage, bringing a level of showmanship and pizzazz that puts even New Orleans Mardi Gras to shame. This talented group of 12 touring musicians and three performers — acrobats, dancers and all around crowd-pleasers — will offer up an assortment of musical and visual delights on Wednesday, April 24 at 7:30 p.m.

“What I have learned as a band leader is that every person counts, and when you have the right chemistry between professionally-minded musicians who genuinely love playing together, the possibilities are infinite,” bassist, leader and co-founder John Averill told the Reader.

MarchFourth will return to the Panida Theater Wednesday, April 24. Courtesy photo.

MarchFourth, which Averill describes as a “sophisticated, vocally-driven experience,” effortlessly blends funk, rock and jazz into toe-tapping pieces that demand to be danced to. The audience will be on their feet April 24, so if you need to sit, choose a spot at least six rows from the stage to ensure you can take in the spectacle.

“It’s just the nature of the beast. The energy was there from Day 1, and we still can’t stop ourselves from going all-out bananas on stage — and when the audience gives the energy back, that drives us even more. It’s a reciprocal relationship,” said Averill. “I love it when the band is locked in and we’re executing our songs with feeling and precision. But really, it’s all about the audience.”

Eye-catching costumes merge marching band uniforms with the whimsy of a circus and the flare of a rock ’n’ roll band, visually enhancing the performances of the vocalists, percussionists, and the brass and strings sections. The group has undergone dozens of changes throughout its 21 years, and Sandpoint music lovers who treated themselves to previous MarchFourth concerts will be delighted by their new songs, musicians and performers.

“Everything is becoming more refined, and the songs are getting better and more interesting,” said Averill.

One thing remains the same; MarchFourth’s mixed-media performance is a jam-packed hour and a half that audiences will remember for the rest of their lives. When asked to describe the group in three words, Averill said, “Rocking good times!”

Secure your invite to the best party in Idaho and savor every moment — it may take another nine years to lure them back.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available for $25 at or $30 at the door. Listen at

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