Lost in the ’50s canceled, but not discontinued

By Reader Staff

Sandpoint’s annual classic car event and celebration of decades gone by, Lost in the ’50s, has been canceled for 2020.

Event organizers took to Facebook to share the news. 

A bird’s eye view of the action on Second Ave. during the car show. Photo by Ben Olson.

“Coronavirus precautions have forced our (reluctant!) cancellation of this year’s show,” according to the event Facebook post. “Please stay happy and healthy, ‘50s fans!”

Carolyn Gleason, event founder and longtime owner of Second Avenue Pizza, confirmed the 2020 cancelation with the Sandpoint Reader.

“It is canceled, but we will live to see another ’50s,” she said.

This comes as good news to some locals who peppered local Facebook forums in March with concerns after Gleason was rumored to say this year’s ’50s — not yet canceled — would be the event’s last hurrah.

Now, Gleason said classic car fans should plan to attend the 35th annual Lost in the ’50s in May 2021.

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