Local short film The Shape of Trees premieres at Panida Little Theater

By Reader Staff

What can a story tell us beyond its basic details? That’s the overarching philosophical exploration at play in The Shape of Trees, a locally filmed, produced and cast short film premiering Sunday, June 9 at the Panida Little Theater.

The debut narrative short film from Willie and Jamie Wittezehler, is described as a dark comedy that “delves into the intricate interplay between storytelling, identity and self-absorption.” 

At the center of the film is one man’s experience with meeting an elusive filmmaker and telling the story in parts and pieces of how it profoundly affected the trajectory of his life — and even his perception of reality.

The premiere will feature behind-the-scenes footage providing a glimpse into the creative process that brought The Shape of Trees to the screen, and is free and open to the public with a general-audiences rating. 

Doors open at 6 p.m. and the screening begins at 7 p.m. Donations are encouraged to support local filmmaking. The Panida Little Theater is located next to the main theater at 300 N. First Ave., in downtown Sandpoint.

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