Idaho Gives set to run April 29-May 6

By Reader Staff

Nonprofits around the state are ready, willing and able to accept donations from Gem State residents for the 2021 edition of Idaho Gives, this year scheduled to run Thursday, April 29 through Thursday, May 6.

A program of the Idaho Nonprofit Center, Idaho Gives is designed to bring the state together, raising money and awareness for Idaho nonprofits. For the second year, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need both for the services and support of nonprofit organizations, a record number of 650 of which have joined this year’s event — including nearly 20 in the Sandpoint, Priest River and Bonners Ferry areas. Find them all at

Eligible organizations are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations headquartered or providing services in Idaho and registered and in good standing with the Idaho secretary of state.

In addition to direct donations, participating nonprofits in Idaho Gives are eligible for a range of prizes given throughout the week, which can add up quickly.

More than 18,000 donors participated in Idaho Gives last year, contributing a record $3.86 million in donations. Since its inception in 2013, the program has garnered more than $12 million for Idaho nonprofits.

“Idaho Gives is such an important platform for nonprofits and donors,” Idaho Nonprofit Center’s Idaho Gives Project Manager Summer DuPree told KIFK-TV in Pocatello. “Donors can easily search for causes and organizations they’re passionate about and nonprofits can take advantage of the collective voice of nonprofits to elevate their own causes and campaigns” Idaho Gives begins at 11 p.m. on April 29 and will continue for a full week, ending at 10:59 p.m. on May 6.

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