Full Draw Film Tour returns to the Panida with celebration of world-class bowhunting

By Reader Staff

A screenshot from the film Pitchfork. Courtesy photo.

The 2024 installment of the Full Draw Film Tour comes to the Panida Theater on Friday, June 21, featuring some of the best original, independent bowhunting films in the world.

Shot in some of the most rugged backcountry, wilderness and public land around the globe, this year’s selections include The Unknown, from Forsyth Films; Among the Aspens, from The Void Media; She is Watching, from Ultimate Pursuit; I Have Proof, from Michigan Whitetail Pursuit; Pitchfork, from The Raw Hunt Experience; Trust, from Suseworks Media; and Man in the Arena, from Battle Mountain Media.

Full Draw unites bowhunters and other outdoor enthusiasts for a night of adventure that will fire up audiences for the fall.

Presented by OnX Hunt, an app that provides mapping tools for hunters, film fest also includes  door prizes from a range of sponsors.

Get more info and find film trailers at fulldrawfilmtour.com.

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