Dover preparing to construct new post office

By Reader Staff

Visitors and residents in Dover will start to see work commence on the construction of a new post office in the city, as crews mobilize equipment beginning Monday, June 10 and start preparing the site for work that is expected to continue through the spring of 2025.

Dardan Enterprises is handling the project, which will mark the newest location for Dover’s post office, which has been housed in a handful of buildings during its 100 years of operating in the community.

However, the site of the new facility at 105 Fourth St. is actually a return to the past, as the post office had been located there from the 1930s until 2009, when the former building was demolished and the current site chosen at Jackson Avenue.

Local business and the bus stop will remain open, according to a news release from the city, and no road closures or detours are anticipated. The property will not be available for parking for the duration of the construction timeline.

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