Chamber hires new E.D. Mickey Quinn

By Reader Staff

Mickey Quinn. Courtesy photo.

The Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce recently announced the hiring of Mickey Quinn as its new executive director. 

Quinn comes to the chamber with years of experience in management, business operations, budgeting, retail growth, leadership development and business coaching, including successfully managing and starting companies specialized in developing strategic business plans, operational processes and interpersonal relationship building.  

“Her experience in retail is sure to lend value to local businesses, while creating new and exciting ways to help chamber member businesses thrive,” the chamber stated in a news release. 

“The chamber is excited for the next chapter with Mickey as the executive director and we hope that you get a chance to visit with her, share your thoughts and visions of the community with her, and work with her to continue building our community into a wonderful place to visit and live,” the chamber added. 

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