Celebrate Earth Day by helping clean up City Beach

Hosted by the Idaho Conservation League in partnership with the city of Sandpoint

By Reader Staff

In celebration of Earth Day 2023, the Idaho Conservation League is partnering with the city of Sandpoint to host a clean-up event at City Beach and Lower Sand Creek. 

From 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 22, community members are invited to join together to clear local shorelines of garbage and debris. This family-friendly event is a great way for area residents, local businesses and community organizations to care for their waterways before the busy summer season begins. 

Volunteers collect litter, debris and micro-trash from Sandpoint City Beach and Sand Creek as part of the annual clean-up event. Courtesy photo.

“We are so excited to be partnering with the city once again for this event,” said Karissa Huntsman, ICL community engagement assistant. “We had a wonderful turnout last year, and hope to make this an annual opportunity for people to come together and take care of the environment, and this lake that we all love.”

The event is free to attend and open to all ages. Volunteers can check in at the City Beach Pavilion (58 Bridge St., in Sandpoint) to receive gloves, garbage bags and instructions for areas to clean up. The city will also have opportunities for volunteers to rake sand, spruce up picnic tables and other activities to get the park ready for summer. There will also be warm refreshments, courtesy of Evans Brothers Coffee, as well as snacks provided by ICL. 

The area may be muddy, so waterproof boots or shoes are highly recommended. 

ICL’s mission is to create a conservation community and pragmatic, enduring solutions that protect and restore the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the land and wildlife you love. To learn more, visit idahoconservation.org.

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