Category: Opinion


The age of Spotify

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

For the most part, Gen-Zers who grew up using streaming services like Spotify understand music in terms of individual songs and moods rather than traditional …

Kobolds and cavern-dwellers

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

Among the modern aesthetic practices popularized by social media lurks the aptly named “goblincore,” which celebrates the conventionally ugly and prioritizes personal happiness over current …


  • How Do People Become Radicalized…? Dear Editor, How do people become radicalized? 1. They are seeking an identity or peer group. 2. Many are loners. 3. They are looking for something that gives their life purpose. 4. They feel a need to be noticed. 5. They feel rejected by the culture around them. 6. They feel disenfranchised (feel deprived of power, right ...
  • Give Love to Creations… Dear Editor, I am as wary as many of us to tone down the consumer impulses that strike during the holiday, but in spite of my wariness, I’d like to shine a light on a unique non-profit community gem called Creations located in the back of the Cedar Street Bridge. Many ...
  • Do you need a break…? Dear Editor, Do you know a family who has a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or some type of dementia or memory issue and are caring for them at home? Is the family caregiver finding it hard to both care for their loved one and also have a life outside of that? Please ...
  • Riots Not Good… Dear Editor, I’m a conservative independent. In my voting life I cannot recall independents, Libertarians, or Republicans rioting and destroying property simply because their candidate lost a presidential election. Am I wrong here? My reaction to the violent protests and riots which flared after the Trump win? Anger and disgust at the ...
  • Cartoon Character Campaign… Dear Editor, Well it’s over, kinda. I suppose this campaign will never really be over. This was truly the most disappointing presidential campaign I have ever lived through. Our choice of cartoon characters were Blonde and Donald Duck. Two power hungry, egotistical, win-at-any-cost, flip-flopping, divisive individuals who spent the last year ...
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