Category: Opinion


Mayor’s Roundtable

By Mayor Shelby Rognstad
Reader Contributor

This is the fourth article in the series detailing recommendations that came out of the city of Sandpoint’s Housing and Economic Study developed by …

The year in re- and preview

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

We’re just going to get this one out of the way at the top. Since 2020, when we started doing these annual review/previews, we included …

Growing pains

By K.L. Huntley
Reader Contributor

A long, long time ago I lived in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas in a town originally built during the gold rush of 1849. …

A rule in common

By Barbara Russell
Reader Contributor

On Oct. 21, 1985, First Lady Nancy Reagan presented the United Nations with the gift of a mosaic on behalf of the United States in …


  • What If Chicken Little Was Right…? Dear Editor, I enjoyed reading Ms. Deubendorfer’s article, and look forward to her next, but I take exception to putting words in my mouth. I did not call Mr. Gifford those terms, nor would, as I don’t think of him that way. I was using cynicism to express my frustration at ...
  • Medicaid Expansion Needs Your Support… Dear Editor, I got one of those plastic bracelets yesterday. You know, the kind that gets you into fancy events and concerts, except mine granted me entrance to Grandstaff Veterans Hospital in Spokane. See, I’m a veteran (Korea, ’71-’72), and was really sick. I thought I had pneumonia. I decided to make ...
  • Thanks to Nick Gier… Dear Editor, I wanted to thank Nick Gier for his article illuminating Gandhi’s profound influence on Martin Luther King. I listened to a lecture given by the presiding Episcopal bishop, Michael Curry, on “Healing a House Divided.” The article made me think others might like to hear it. King and Gandhi brought factious ...
  • Response to Lockwood… Dear Editor, In response to Steve Lockwood’s comments Jan. 23, 2018…“Bonner County zoning codes are up for changes <WITH> the usual opportunities for citizen input. Industrial plants are <NOT> being permitted in many county zones.” Since 2008, there have been more than a dozen amendments making more than 60 text changes ...
  • Un-American Sentiments… Dear Editor, There are a lot of decidedly un-American sentiments running amok in the last issue that need to be addressed. In response to Ken Thatcher: You are wrong. We do not need less firepower, we need more. Do you recall the history of the Revolutionary War? Did the British government have ...
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