Mike’s Corner: Reality
By Mike Wagoner
Reader Contributor
I got the call on a Sunday afternoon… It was a neighbor of my folks back in Walla Walla, where I grew up. I was …
By Mike Wagoner
Reader Contributor
I got the call on a Sunday afternoon… It was a neighbor of my folks back in Walla Walla, where I grew up. I was …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff Writer
By day, she’s a therapist. By night, Jessica Chilcott is a politician, social activist and avid consumer of superhero television shows.
And just like …
By Suzen Fiskin
Reader Columnist
Before moving to Sandpoint nearly 10 years ago, I was a dyed-in-the-wool city girl. I was born in New York City, grew up in L.A., …
By Suzen Fiskin
Reader Contributor
In all of the fray still playing out from this political cycle, I can’t help but be mystified at the level of division between the …
By Suzen Fiskin
Reader Columnist
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, that’s when we’ll know peace.”
Jimi Hendrix
I love a good synchronicity, don’t you? A …
By Suzen Fiskin
Reader Columnist
It probably isn’t a news flash that the middle class is floundering. Between 2007 and 2010, the Federal Reserve concludes that the median American family …
By Suzen Fiskin
Reader Columnist
As Bill Clinton said in a 2014 speech, “We’re less racist. We’re less sexist. We’re less homophobic than we used to be. We only have …
By Suzen Fiskin
Reader Columnist
What do the Declaration of Independence, Columbus’ sails, and Henry Ford’s first Model T have in common? Give up? They were all made of hemp, …
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