The Sandpoint Eater: The 50th column!
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
It’s hard to believe this is my 50th column in the Reader. Fifty columns! Though I’ve written most from right here in Sandpoint, …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
It’s hard to believe this is my 50th column in the Reader. Fifty columns! Though I’ve written most from right here in Sandpoint, …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
Greetings from Disneyland. After a hectic spring in my kitchen, I was happy to trade my whisk for a wand and a little pixie …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
Ever since I can remember, I was the queen of elaborate tea parties, both real and imagined. I’ve entertained dolls, dignitaries, dogs (stuffed and …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
In great anticipation of St. Patrick’s Day, a couple of Irish-Sandpoint pals and I are headed to Butte, Mont., (sometimes referred to as Ireland’s …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
My favorite part of Super Bowl Sunday is shopping, unhurriedly, in patron-free stores. Five years ago I learned of this little known shopping secret …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
It’s been an eventful beginning to the new year already. I’d barely stashed the Vegas juicer before my January calendar brought one of my …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
It’s that time of the year and ‘tis the season. Some of us will experience a holiday steeped in years of tradition, and some …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
I just replayed last year’s Saturday Night Live skit, “A Thanksgiving Miracle,” where the dinner discussion concerning Syrian refugees sparks a heated argument across …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
Many political candidates and elected officials rely not only on their own party for advice, but since the days of Andrew Jackson, they’ve turned …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
It’s time to turn up the thermostat and pull out the wool socks. And stock pots. Steaming bowls of soups and hearty stews are …
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