Bizarre Bazaar will move to new location in late August

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

Upscale resale store Bizarre Bazaar is preparing to move to a new location toward the end of the summer, announcing June 2 that it would pull up stakes from its longtime home on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Church Street for a new address at 114 S. Boyer Ave. — adjacent to Smokesmith Barbecue and across Highway 2 from Dub’s Drive-In.

According to the Community Assistance League, which operates the store, the move won’t happen until the end of August. Until that time, Bizarre Bazaar will continue to be open Monday-Saturday, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., at its current 504 Church St. location.

Bizarre Bazaar employees at their current location on Fifth Ave. and Church St. Courtesy photo

“We still look forward to seeing you there as a shopper, donor or maybe even joiner — we love getting new members,” CAL stated in a news release.

The non-profit raises funds — primarily through sales at Bizarre Bazaar — to support a range of grants benefiting local organizations and scholarships for area students.

The grand opening on Boyer is set to take place after Labor Day, but CAL stated that it’s planning a sneak peak in late August.

“Along with maintaining normal operations until the end of August at our current location, we will be working throughout the summer remodeling the new location to create an attractive retail space from its former use as a physical therapy studio,” the organization stated. “There will be improved interior display areas, better lighting, no stairs to climb to discover treasures on a second floor, and more parking spaces reserved for our customers.” 

The store is continuing to accept donations at the Church Street location from 11 a.m.-2:45 p.m. until the final move takes place.

“We are fully operational this summer and continually need new inventory to sell to generate funds for our grants and scholarship programs,” stated Bizarre Bazaar Manager Cherie Warber.

CAL, which has operated in Bonner County for almost 50 years, decided to move to the Boyer location in order to secure a long-term lease and greater stability for its fundraising efforts, which have totaled more than $2.3 million in grants and scholarships to date.

“After nearly 15 years at the current location, we are feeling a tad bittersweet about leaving the Church Street space; it’s been home for a long time,” the organization stated. “But at the same time, change can be exciting and we look forward to creating an inviting, fresh retail space. Bizarre Bazaar has been a fixture in greater Sandpoint and we intend to continue that tradition. Your donations and your purchases allow us to continue to serve Bonner County.”

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