Army Corps sets lake drawdown date

By Reader Staff

In a typical year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers begins the drawdown of Lake Pend Oreille on the third Sunday in September or Sept. 18, whichever comes later. Due to delays in reaching summer pool level after a mechanical gate failure at Albeni Falls Dam in the spring, the Corps has agreed to delay the drawdown slightly, starting the process four days later on Monday, Sept. 23.

An aerial view of the Albeni Falls Dam. Courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Albeni Falls Dam only uses the powerhouse outflows, not the spillway gates, for this operation, so drawdown will not affect the ongoing issue with the faulty gate.

As of press time, the Corps listed the current lake level at 2,061.91 feet, measured at Hope. Lake Pend Oreille is expected to hold summer pool elevation through Sunday, Sept. 22, then will gradually lower over the following weeks. 

The level is estimated to reach 2,060-2,061 feet by Monday, Sept. 30, with targets to reach 2,051-2,051.5 feet no later than Nov. 15. The fall drawdown serves multiple purposes, including the accommodating fall/winter kokanee spawning, as well as creating space for flexible winter power operations.

Corps representatives will host a public meeting Monday, Oct. 7 from 6-8 p.m. at the Ponderay Events Center (401 Bonner Mall Way) to discuss dam operations and the status of the Albeni Falls Dam spillway gate repair and replacement project.

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