Council to decide Memorial Field turf option Dec. 18, rolls out online surveys

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

The Wednesday, Dec. 18 City Council meeting will include a number of hot-button issues.

First, the council will make a decision on whether to adopt the Sandpoint Airport Comprehensive Plan component and future land use map amendment, as well as vote on an ordinance establishing an airport zoning overlay that includes a number of safety zones extending from the runway. Officials will also consider lifting the moratorium on accepting zone change applications within the airport overlay.

Council members will vote on whether to repeal and replace a portion of City Code regarding new sidewalk construction. The proposed ordinance would “place more responsibility for sidewalk construction and associated costs on the city rather than property owners,” according to the city, and include an “in lieu” fee payable by property owners rather than installing new sidewalk. The measure is intended to encourage sidewalk construction “on a block basis vs. by the parcel.”

Finally, the council plans to make a final determination on the type of turf that will replace the grass at War Memorial Field. According to previous statements from the city, only natural infill such as coconut or cork will be considered. The range of infill options will be on display at City Hall beginning Thursday, Dec. 12. 

On Sunday, Dec. 15, the city will begin releasing a series of weekly surveys using its Open Town Hall outreach platform. 

Intended to gather feedback on a range of master planning efforts, the surveys are available at, the city’s Facebook page and on the Engage Sandpoint mobile app.

The first survey is on multimodal transportation, streets, sidewalks, paths and accessibility. The Dec. 29 survey covers jobs and economic development.

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