Community Writers Contest open to all genres, ages

By Reader Staff

The annual Sandpoint Community Writing Contest is accepting submissions until 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 22, when sponsor Sandpoint Writers on the Lake will gather with creative minds of all ages to present their work and award prizes in a number of categories.

Contestants are invited to bring two physical copies of their favorite original, unpublished five-minute work of writing — one from which to read aloud before the audience, the other to present Sandpoint Writers on the Lake should they win.

Divisions are youth ages 5-12, young adults ages 13-18 and adults 19 and up, and cash prizes include $50 for “best of” in each category and $25 for runners-up. 

Writers will be judged by what Sandpoint Writers President Bonnie McDade described as “an appreciative audience” and an awards presentation ceremony will follow the final category of readings and tallying of ballots.

The contest will take place at the Sandpoint branch of the East Bonner County Library (1407 Cedar St.), with submissions and registration in-person only at 8:30 a.m. and the first readings at 9:45 a.m. Entry and registration are both free. 

Contestants in the youth category will read first, followed by young adult and adult entrants. 

“Both writers/presenters and the audience play active roles in the entire contest — with the readers putting their best writing forward for a five-minute presentation and the audience being tasked with attentive and critical listening, then marking their ballots to determine winners in each category,” McDade stated.

The community is invited to attend and participate. Sandpoint Writers on the Lake will offer complimentary snacks and beverages. 

The organization includes members in Bonner, Boundary and Pend Oreille counties who gather every second and fourth Saturday of each month at the Sandpoint library branch to discuss issues related to writing, editing and publishing, as well as conducting in-depth critique sessions. Sandpoint Writers on the Lake also sponsors workshops, including a series later this year on the ins and outs, challenges and benefits of publishing.

For more info, contact [email protected].

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