Fly Fishing Film Tour reels in the year’s best angling stories

By Reader Staff

Fishing enthusiasts and fans of real-world adventure stories should clear their schedules Friday, March 14, for the annual Fly Fishing Film Tour at the Panida Theater (300 North First Ave.). Beginning at 7 p.m., the Panhandle Chapter of Trout Unlimited will screen 20 new films that capture scenic locations, unusual aquatic life and the filmmakers’ passion for the sport.

A screenshot from Shadow People at the Falls. Courtesy photo

Trout Unlimited supports conservation and restoration projects throughout the Kootenai, Clark Fork-Pend Oreille and Coeur d’Alene-Spokane river systems. The chapter aims to preserve healthy populations of native, wild, coldwater fish in North Idaho for future generations.

Among the selected films, Shadow People at the Falls follows two anglers in Guyana searching for massive catches like arowana while examining the area’s uncontacted tribes; Bumpyland takes place in the tiny Providence Atoll just north of Madagascar and chronicles one man’s quest to capture the bumphead parrotfish; and Left Field focuses on a former baseball player who finds a new purpose in fly fishing after a career-ending injury.

The other films showcase locations as varied as Slovenia and the U.S. Midwest, shining a light on various cultures, individuals and rare fish.

Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students at, and proceeds go toward Trout Unlimited’s conservation efforts. 

Visit for information about the organization and to see the full list of films and watch trailers.

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