Teton Gravity Research brings its 29th annual screening of stoke to the Panida

By Reader Staff

“Stoke” is a word that we use during this time of year to describe the excitement leading up to the commencement of the snow sports season. We’re talking about snowboarding, skiing, sledding, falling down when you’re wrestling your blower out of the garage at 6:30 a.m. 

Well, maybe not that last one.

Screenshot from Beyond the Fantasy. Courtesy photo.

But still: Stoke! And that’s what’s on offer at the Panida Theater with a screening on Wednesday, Oct. 16 of Beyond The Fantasy, from Teton Gravity Research.

The event promises to be “an unforgettable night of social stoke and adrenaline-pumping action,” marking TGR’s 29th annual film. 

Audiences will be treated to a night of “awe-dropping cinematography, mind-blowing lines, and the infectious energy of the skiing and snowboarding community,” according to promoters.

DJ Mancat will be on hand ahead of the show, and — to sweeten the pot — there will be a prize giveaway with goods from Atomic, Volkl, K2, YETI, Mammut, GoPro, Nissan and more. 

Then there’s the grand prize, which includes TGR partner Nissan flying the winner and their crew to Grand Targhee to film their own segment with TGR. 

For real: Groms take note, your moves could make you a celebrity in the snow-sports world.

Additional grand prizes include a trip to TGR’s hometown at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, in Wyoming, along with prize packs from the company’s partners.

As they say, “Beyond the Fantasy is more than just a film; it’s a testament to the power of turning dreams into reality. Witness our athletes as they transform improbable mental images into breathtaking feats of athleticism and creativity.”

If that’s not a recommendation to stock up on stoke, then we don’t know what is.

Tickets are $15 for adults in advance (available at panida.org) and $20 at the door. Doors are at 6:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. The Panida Theater is located at 300 N. First Ave., in downtown Sandpoint.

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