The Hive hosts free concert with The Dead & Down

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

In the early days of rock ’n’ roll, the music was born out of folk, blues and country origins to form a new sound. Bands that occupy the nebulous “roots rock” genre give a nod to these early origins, while also injecting new life into an art form that continues to affect us to this day.

Montana-based The Dead & Down are as much inspired by the vast landscapes of their home state as they are by the various musical influences that weave through their sound.

Led by songwriter Taylor Burlage, whose introspective songs and dusty vocals can only have come from Big Sky Country, The Dead & Down’s music explores those early origins in rock while peppering in alt-country, swampy rock and psychedelia to present a unique vibe that lives comfortably in that liminal space between Montana and the rest of the world.

The Dead & Down has opened for some great acts like Paul Cauthen, Futurebirds and the Last Revel. Their sophomore album No Broken Bones dropped earlier this year and shows great range for the band, which never fits into just one container.

Doors at 7 p.m., show starts at 8:45 p.m., FREE thanks to Ting Internet, 21+. The Hive, 207 N. First Ave., 208-920-9039. Tickets at Listen at

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