BoCo median income is lower than the state average, and poverty rates are higher

While Idaho’s median household income is logged at $74,942 — ranked dead center nationally in 25th place — the U.S. Census reported median household income in Bonner County at $61,816. 

Census figures from the 2022 American Survey five-year estimates break that down further. Families in Bonner County earn closer to the state median with $75,275, while married-couple families’ income came to $80,815. Meanwhile, non-family household income is $34,871.

Overall, 11.9% of Bonner County’s 47,110 residents are considered to be living in poverty, compared to 10.1% statewide. The poverty rate for Bonner County residents between 18 and 64 years of age is 12%, and 8.8% for those residents 65 and older, according to the 2022 survey.

Statewide, 9.7% of Idahoans between 18 and 64 are considered to be below the poverty line, and 9.5% of residents older than 65 are living in poverty.

— Reader Staff  

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