Candidate fires back…

Dear Editor,

An opponent of my campaign has been robo-calling residents with a hateful attack. I believe Sandpoint voters are too smart to respond to fear tactics! Mr. Dunkel has assured me that he has nothing to do with the call and I have no reason to doubt him. It appears to be sponsored by a dark money group. This is not an attack on me. It is an attack on honest elections and our community values. We should not let this distract us from real issues, like job creation and expanding higher education. We should focus on how we can keep making our community a better place to live.

I spent the weekend volunteering with an amazing crew, building out a section of the new Watershed Crest Trail. This is what Sandpoint truly is: people working together to create a beautiful home for all of us. That’s what my campaign is about. It’s about you. It’s about helping every resident make this town as vibrant and wonderful as it always has been.

I have served in Sandpoint city government for a total of eight years, starting on the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee and working my way up to City Council President. I’m proud of what we have accomplished and we have so much more to do.

As Mayor, I will continue to encourage diversified economic growth that encourages living wage jobs. Our efforts have helped retain companies like Kochava, Quest, Lead-Lok and Tamarack as well as North Idaho College. I’m also committed to completing my effort to bring ultra fast Internet to Sandpoint, a priority for attracting more businesses and workers.

I will also continue to expand our higher education programs. Higher education is the most important investment we can make for our economy and youth.  I will work with NIC, civic leaders and leading employers in the community to find funding to develop advanced education that leads to good employment.

The work I enjoy the most is finding ways to protect and conserve our natural environment. The mountains, forests and lake are what have drawn people here for centuries. They are essential to both our tourist and forest economy. I will continue to support efforts like the herbicide free program for managing aquatic invasive species in Lake Pend Oreille and the Parks Best Management plan to reduce the use of pesticides in Sandpoint. I will complete the Watershed Crest Trail and create further protections for our watershed.

My opposition did get one point right in the robo-call. I did support the development of affordable housing in Sandpoint and I’m proud of it. As we grow the economy, we need to make sure it grows for everyone and that Sandpoint remains affordable for all of the residents who keep this town going.

Most importantly, I want to hear from you. I want to engage all citizens in the political process. I want the room filled at City Council meetings. My door is open. You can also post questions and comments directly to my Facebook page:

Shelby Rognstad

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