Dear Editor,
Is there an Idaho Citizen statesman that we can truly trust in Congress? Yes, one! Russ Fulcher! He has invaluable experience in international affairs working for Micron Tech in 26 countries, including Arab countries. By personal experience in the Netherlands, he is keenly aware of how socialism destroys the economy. And years ago, he gave up a high-paying job with Micron to come back to Idaho to be present to his family.
When in Senate leadership in Idaho a few years ago, Russ courageously stood for Idaho with our Christian heritage and Constitutional principles against the Obamacare exchange which forced Idahoans into buying health insurance with abortifacients. Sometimes, he stood all alone in leadership to protect our individual rights. His speaking expertise clearly explains his position without causing reactionary statements.
A keen statemen, an astute businessman, courageous, humble. Vote Russ Fulcher for Congress.
Sheryl Nuxoll
Cottonwood, ID
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