By Reader Staff
It’s getting to be the time of year when Sandpoint families are preparing their children for another school year, which means it’s time for the Angels Over Sandpoint’s Back to School program. This annual event, sponsored by the nonprofit organization, distributes backpacks and school supplies to Bonner County families in need.
In partnership with Staples, the Angels Over Sandpoint is able to donate backpacks and school supplies thanks to grants and donations from the community. Bonner County families who would like to receive school supplies for their children should call Community Action Partnership at 208-255-2910 to register their children no later than Friday, Aug. 20 to receive details on when to pick up supplies.
Angels Over Sandpoint volunteers and Bonner Co. families gather for the annual Back to School program.
Last year, the in-person event was canceled due to COVID-19, so the Angels are thrilled to be able to hand out supplies to children again this year, face-to-face. The Angels said they will be following current recommended COVID-19 guidelines from the CDC when handing out supplies. Please be prepared to wear a mask if necessary.
To donate to the Angels Over Sandpoint please visit or mail donation checks to: The Angels Over Sandpoint, PO Box 2369, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
Don’t miss the Angels’ upcoming events, including the Lazy .08K “Straight Outta Quarantine” race on Sat., Aug. 28 at MickDuff’s Beer Hall and the return of The Follies on Oct. 1-2. These events help fund the many community outreach programs the Angels host each year.
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