By Jim Ramsey
Reader Contributor
In the wake of catastrophic fires in the West in the summer and fall following the unprecedented storms in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, this is certainly the right time to talk about the changing climate. With a clear majority of Idahoans wanting action to address climate change, several organizations with local chapters are sponsoring ‘Let’s Clear the Air,’ a bipartisan open public forum on Friday. Nov. 17, at the Sandpoint Community Hall starting at 5:30 p.m.
The forum is designed to engage citizens and community leaders in a conversation about the impacts of our changing climate on citizens, families and businesses in our area. A presentation and panel discussion will focus on new energy ideas and economic policies that mitigate climate and financial risk and are designed to save our farms, fish and forests..
Idaho’s 1st District Rep. Sage Dixon, Bonner County Commissioner Glen Bailey and Bob Boeh from Idaho Forest Group will join members of the ‘Washington Water, Wind and Fire Tour’ to talk about ways to reduce carbon emissions while at the same time strengthening our local economy. (The event marks the culmination of the ‘Water, Wind and Fire’ tour – a 12 -city tour around Washington state and the Idaho Panhandle by volunteers from the Climate Change Lobby and the National Audubon Society to engage citizens in climate discussions.
Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) is a grassroots, non-partisan advocacy group that has helped establish the Congressional House Climate Solutions Caucus, which has an equal number of Republicans and Democrats working to find and promote pragmatic climate policy solutions. The National Audubon Society employs science, education, and conservation projects to conserve natural ecosystems to build healthy communities for people, birds and other wildlife.
You are invited to attend this non-partisan dialogue at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 17 at the Sandpoint Community Hall.
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