Innovia Foundation awards $1M+ to area organizations

By Reader Staff

Innovia Foundation has awarded $1,089,400 in grants to 112 organizations in eastern Washington and North Idaho through its annual Community Grants Program, including a number in Bonner and Boundary counties. 

The grants support education and youth development, health and wellbeing, arts and culture, economic opportunity, and improved quality of life. 

The Community Grants build on more than $100,000 already distributed this year in recognition of the foundation’s 50th anniversary theme of “Celebrating Community,” with funds going to provide free and low-cost, family-friendly events that showcase cultural diversity, parades, local musicians, art fairs, museums, carousels, historic movie theaters, outdoor recreation opportunities and more. 

“As Innovia marks 50 years of community impact, we recognize the importance of programs and activities that celebrate the people and places that make our region special,” stated Innovia CEO Shelly O’Quinn in a news release.

In Bonner County, Innovia granted $10,000 to the Better Together Animal Alliance to support its volunteer program; $4,000 to Creations for its Creative Hands Expand the Mind program; $10,500 to the Carousel of Smiles for its fun fair; $15,000 to Clark Fork-Hope Area Senior Services to fund its community meal site; $10,000 to Community Cancer Services for Harmony in Health: Bridging Support and Counseling; and $10,000 to the Festival at Sandpoint for its 2024 summer series and inclusive ticket outreach program.

Other Bonner County recipients included Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, which got $10,000 for its Take a Walk on the Wild Side! Program; $6,000 for Idahope Families for its family support initiative; $15,000 to NAMI Far North to support its Sand Creek Clubhouse; $10,000 to Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. for ongoing operational support; $6,100 to the Selkirk Conservation Alliance for inclusive environmental education and youth development; and $8,000 to the Unique Center for Athletes of All Needs for adaptive fitness, therapy and recreation services.

In Boundary County, Innovia granted $10,000 to the Youth Crisis and Domestic Violence Hotline; $10,000 to the Community Coalition for Families, which offers emergency housing solutions; and $10,000 to Trinity Lutheran Church of Bonners Ferry for its weekend supplemental food program.

Each year, Innovia Foundation invests $10 million into area communities through grants and scholarships. To see the complete list of grants, visit 

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