A toast for Pride

An evening of hors d’oeuvres, drinks, speakers and music

By Reader Staff

Photo taken by Racheal Baker at the 2022 Pride Festival in Sandpoint.

For the past three years, thousands of people have come together to celebrate and affirm the dignity and equality of the LGBTQ+ community with the Sandpoint Pride Festival, this year slated for July 12-13. To help do it again in 2024, Sandpoint Pride is asking for help with Toast to Pride from 5-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 2 at Matchwood Brewing Company (513 Oak St., in Sandpoint).

Sandpoint Pride has established a skilled, volunteer-led planning committee to create a two-day festival prioritizing advocacy, education, community, celebration, performance, safety and joy. Last year, more than 45 local advocacy groups, businesses and community leaders supported the event, which drew more than 1,600 attendees and made it the largest queer gathering in Idaho north of Coeur d’Alene.

Sandpoint Pride is seeking to raise $30,000 to help the festival remain free, safe and family friendly. The money will also help significantly expand safety and security efforts.

Toast to Pride will feature a night of hors d’oeuvres by Sandpoint vendors, guest speaker Corbin Thicke, live music by Thrown Out Bones featuring guest appearance by Katelyn Shook and more. 

Sponsorships are offered for individuals or organizations who are interested in supporting the efforts of Sandpoint Pride Festival organizers, with individual tickets starting at $125 to help raise funds for the annual festival in July. 

Admittance includes appetizers, an open bar for 21+ guests, speakers and live music.

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