Viggo Mortensen adds second night to sold-out Panida fundraiser, Q&A

By Reader Staff

Mortensen speaks to audience members at a screening of his film Captain Fantastic at the Panida in 2017. Courtesy photo.

After selling out of tickets for the Saturday, Sept. 14 screening of Viggo Mortensen’s newest film The Dead Don’t Hurt, the Panida Theater announced Sept. 4 that Mortensen has agreed to one additional night on Friday, Sept. 13.

The now two-day event is a fundraiser for the Panida Theater and KRFY 88.5 FM Community Radio, where Mortensen will sit for a Q&A with the audience after the film.

This isn’t the first time Mortensen has lent his star power to worthy local causes. The three-time Academy Award nominee for Best Actor also came to the Panida for his film Captain Fantastic in 2017 and A Dangerous Method in 2012.

To purchase tickets for the Sept. 13 event (while they last), visit

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