Update on NAMI Far North Sand Creek Clubhouse

By Reader Staff

The Sand Creek Clubhouse project of NAMI Far North will soon equip a kitchen with support from the Community Assistance League, Angels Over Sandpoint and Selkirk Association of Realtors. 

In addition, the clubhouse — which will be Idaho’s first Clubhouse International-affiliated facility providing post-hospitalization care for those living with serious mental illness in Bonner and Boundary counties — will receive furnishings donated by Washington Federal Bank and Winter Ridge Natural Foods.

NAMI’s Sand Creek Clubhouse will be located at 513 N. Fourth Ave. (just north of the K2 Motel), and operate as a day facility with the ability to serve 80-100 individuals in the first year. The opening date for the clubhouse is slated for November 2024. 

Clubhouse International is a community-based service that supports and empowers people living with mental illness using psychological rehabilitation and offering a collaborative, restorative environment where members can recover by gaining access to opportunities for employment, socialization, education, skills development, housing and improved wellness.

NAMI Far North is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to helping improve the lives for those affected by mental illness.

Key contributors to the Sand Creek Clubhouse project include Dawn Mehra, Maria Corsini, Rebekah Little, Catherine Perusse, Cynthia Mason, Sharon Bistodeau, Clark Richman, Lenny Guerro, Donna Brundage, Robert Pierce, Shelley Switzer, Steve Klatt, Victor Vosen, Nancy Schmidt, Kimberly Kempton, Cindy Hall, Joe Wassif, Carla Kirby and Darby Pierce. Kate Mansur, Kailee Stevens and Amy Flint have contributed as grant writers.

“Your trust and belief in our mission are deeply appreciated,” NAMI wrote in a statement. “Our success depends on the ongoing support and feedback from professionals, law enforcement, businesses, grantors, donors and community members like you. … Thank you for your continued support in making Sand Creek Clubhouse a reality.”

To learn more about NAMI Far North and the Sand Creek Clubhouse project, visit namifarnorth.org.

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