When heartbreak is a lost trail
By Ammi Midstokke
Reader Contributor
My favorite trail segment on my favorite trail in my favorite place in the world has been closed. I am heartbroken, despondent even, at what …
By Ammi Midstokke
Reader Contributor
My favorite trail segment on my favorite trail in my favorite place in the world has been closed. I am heartbroken, despondent even, at what …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Planning Commission, Planning Department and GIS began updating the Comprehensive Plan map in 2022 and have devised a new plan to drum …
By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Columnist
It was, perhaps, not my finest moment.
I might have treated one Sandpoint land baron as a proxy for them all.
I might have …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
Officials, developers and members of the public gathered Sept. 6 for a public hearing regarding the Idaho Club’s permit request for a community dock …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
The Bonner County commissioners’ regular Tuesday, Sept. 12 business meeting was punctuated by three separate recesses, as acting-Commission Chair Luke Omodt attempted to rein in …
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