Tagged: opinion

What real courage looks like

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

When Bonner General Health announced in March that it would cease labor and delivery services, citing the “legal and political climate” of Idaho as a …

U.S. 2 through Sandpoint

By Kody Van Dyk
Special to the Reader

Fifth Avenue, parts of Pine Street and the Dover Highway from Boyer Avenue to the western city limits are part of U.S. …

Growing pains

By K.L. Huntley
Reader Contributor

A long, long time ago I lived in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas in a town originally built during the gold rush of 1849. …

‘You get the kind of mobility you invest in’

By Molly O’Reilly
Reader Contributor

The Idaho Transportation Department must be delighted that they finally have a Sandpoint administration, appointed and elected, willing to sacrifice community and residents for high-speed …

Fighting hate groups

By K.L. Huntley
Reader Contributor

Icy roads and a chill blowing down the snow-covered mountains didn’t deter close to 60 souls gathered at Sandpoint’s First Presbyterian Church on the evening …

Blues Power

By Adrian Murillo
Reader Contributor

The time has come to praise our own unique Sandpoint sound of democracy and equality throwing it down every Monday night. I’m talking about the …

Losing hope is the death of democracy

By Nishelle Gonzales
Reader Contributor

I want to begin by celebrating and acknowledging how amazing the United States is. I know that “We’re Number One!” rhetoric is an instant eye …

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