Legislative Update: Greetings from Boise — and a homecoming
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor
It’s been said this legislative session has had a slow start. There have only been a few bills passed by the Legislature and …
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor
It’s been said this legislative session has had a slow start. There have only been a few bills passed by the Legislature and …
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor
The weather here in Boise is a little better since the bone-chilling temperatures have passed. Now it is more like the Sandpoint I …
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sagle
Reader Contributor
Idaho legislative activity is trending up. Standing committees are increasing the frequency of their meetings and the number of new bills are beginning …
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor
The Idaho Legislature opened for business Jan. 4 with the state’s constitutional officers taking the oath of office. Five days later, Gov. Brad …
By Zach Hagadone and Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff
Midterms often draw fewer voters than presidential elections, but a few big-ticket ballot items brought citizens to the polls in unusual numbers.…
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
It was generally agreed by Idaho politicians and politics watchers alike that the May 17 primary election would be a game-changer for the Statehouse in …
By Mark Sauter
Reader Contributor
Last month the Bonner County Fire Chiefs Association (BCFCA) held three public forums. The BCFCA pointed out, in multiple, evidence-based ways, how Emergency Medical Services …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Fire Chiefs Association hosted a series of presentations last week to share its findings from months of research on how to improve …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Bonner County Commissioners are putting the brakes on restructuring the county’s Emergency Management Services.
Since news broke in December that the BOCC was considering a …
By Mark Sauter
Reader Contributor
The Bonner County fire chiefs and volunteer ambulance agency leaders have met and agreed to develop an EMS service delivery plan. They have teamed up …
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