A Few Thoughts… On time, new works and short-lived famous folks
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
I’ve not been writing a lot of late — mostly, just this column. The best days of writing are dark and wet, when I’m glad …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
I’ve not been writing a lot of late — mostly, just this column. The best days of writing are dark and wet, when I’m glad …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
The Pack River begins its life high in the Selkirk Mountains.
Starting as melted snow that accumulates in Harrison Lake, it spills down the mountain. …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Among the titles that I’ve coveted in my life — from president to general to knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter — …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Recently, one of the young people in my life shared that they had been experiencing significant bullying in school. It broke my heart to hear …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
Bruce Springsteen recorded “57 Channels and Nothin’ On” in 1992. We’ve made incredible — ahem — “progress” since. Thirty-two years later, there are over 100 …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Contributor
I once golfed with a pastor who did well until the 13th hole. Then, the wheels came off. On the 16th tee, he put a …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
The early days of the Sandpoint Reader were wild. Editor Zach Hagadone owned the paper then. I was just a lowly writer seeking out adventures …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
It was already midday when my mom and I left home for our college road trip, taking the old roads through eastern Washington. Washington State …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
It seems to be spring. Winter wasn’t so great, as winters go; after too many days of skiing last season, I’ve not had enough this …
The Sandpoint Reader is our town's local, independent weekly newspaper. "Independent" means that the Reader is locally owned, in a partnership between Publisher Ben Olson and Keokee Co. Publishing, the media company owned by Chris Bessler that also publishes Sandpoint Magazine and Sandpoint Online. Sandpoint Reader LLC is a completely independent business unit; no big newspaper group or corporate conglomerate or billionaire owner dictates our editorial policy. And we want the news, opinion and lifestyle stories we report to be freely available to all interested readers - so unlike many other newspapers and media websites, we have NO PAYWALL on our website. The Reader relies wholly on the support of our valued advertisers, as well as readers who voluntarily contribute. Want to ensure that local, independent journalism survives in our town? You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.