Paving project delays Mudhole opening

By Reader Staff

An extensive paving project at the Priest River Recreation Area known as “The Mudhole” will result in further delays to opening the campground for the 2024 season.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials originally expected to open the recreation area for the season in mid-July. However, there is currently no expected opening date.

While there is a chance the day-use area will open sometime in August, the campground will not open in 2024.

“After the old pavement was removed, our contractor discovered sections of the base layer under the pavement that were unforeseen and unsuitable for supporting new pavement,” said Albeni Falls Dam Chief of Natural Resources Taylor Johnson.

“That discovery required removing more material than originally expected. We’re hoping that after removing the unsuitable material and replacing it with new material, this will allow our new pavement to last much longer. While we’re disappointed this finding is going to further delay opening for the season, we want this new pavement to last as long as the old pavement did,” said Johnson.

Reservations made after Monday, July 15 will be canceled and visitors will be fully refunded. Email [email protected] with any questions.

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