‘Not My President’s Day’ protest in Sandpoint

By Zach Hagadone

Photo by Ben Olson

Thousands of people gathered in all 50 states Feb. 17 to demonstrate against President Donald Trump in a series of “Not My President’s Day” protests. That included about 60 people in Bonner County, who stood on both sides of First Avenue between the courthouse and community hall to rally specifically against Trump and Elon Musk — the latter who has been operating as the White House’s appointed efficiency czar, cutting thousands of federal jobs and shuttering entire agencies and programs since the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration. The ongoing result has been chaos within the bureaucracy and uncertainty across the nation.

Participants in the Bonner County “Not My President’s Day” protest were upbeat, with several telling the Reader that they’d received as many or more honks from passing motorists as they had seen signs of disapproval, which came mostly in the form of middle fingers and a few shouts of “go back to California” and “Trump forever.” No incidents were reported and the demonstration ended peacefully.

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